PBO Number: 930 031 543      NPO Number: 297-670

Our Work

What We Do On a Daily


The Benoni Muslim Charity Organisation is dedicated to its daily projects that encompass a wide range of essential services. These include conducting sandwich drives, providing counseling services (social and marital), distribution of bread and milk, offering food coupons,engaging in dawah efforts, and most importantly, ensuring the underprivileged are fed. Through these initiatives, the organisation demonstrates its commitment to addressing immediate needs while also fostering a sense of community support and outreach.


The Benoni Muslim Charity Organisation is actively engaged in a range of significant weekly projects. These initiatives include the overseeing of soup kitchens, distribution of basic weekly hampers, empowering women through the “Women of Worth” program, extending support
through the “Big Sister” outreach initiative, providing weekly vouchers, conducting evaluations and home visits ,to ensure comprehensive assistance, and offering Madrassah classes tailored for reverts. These endeavors collectively reflect the organisation’s dedication to fostering positive social change within the community by addressing various aspects of well-being and growth.


Within its monthly endeavors, the Benoni Muslim Charity Organisation focuses on key projects. The likes of which includes the distribution of monthly vouchers and hampers, offering assistance with utilities to alleviate financial burdens and conducting widespread feeding initiatives across different areas. Through these thoughtful projects, the organisation consistently extends its support to enhance the quality of life for those in need and foster a sense of community well-being.


The Benoni Muslim Charity Organisation on a yearly basis conducts winter warmth drives, support to our learners in a form of uniform, stationery andengage Islamic and secular bursaries. During Ramadan, despite our food hampers the organisation gets involved in iftaar at our local masjids as well as sehri packs. The providing of Eid meals and Eid clothes are a source of great joy for our recipients. The spirit of Qurbani is re lived by not only providing Qurbani meat but also carrying out the actual act of Qurbani in local areas where more often that not these people l are deprived of this bounty.

Ongoing Projects

The Benoni Muslim Charity Organisation is dedicated to a range of continual projects that reliably yield positive outcomes. These include distributing vital medical equipment, facilitatin live sadaqah, drilling boreholes both locally and internationally, distribution of furniture, responding to clothing requests, creating care packs, providing abayahs and kurtas, assisting bereaved families at funerals, implementing the comprehensive Cradle to One project, offering disaster relief, giving educational bursaries, distribution of Islamic literature, providing sanitary packs and facilitating feedings and events at madrassahs and schools. Moreover, the organisation extends its reach by offering career guidance, arranging job interviews, fostering female empowerment, liaising with Home Affairs, providing hospital transport and medication, facilitating baby circumcision, supporting cataracts and optic care, arranging transportation and conducting youth drives. These multifaceted initiatives vividly demonstrate the organisation’s dedication to meeting diverse needs and comprehensively enhancing community well-being.

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