PBO Number: 930 031 543      NPO Number: 297-670


Make a difference in your community by becoming a volunteer 

How Can I Get Involved.

Join Our WhatsApp Groups

Click to join either male or female WhatsApp group and stay updated on the volunteer tasks.

BMCO Sandwich Drive

There is a feeding drive that provides meals for children from Monday to Thursday. This initiative is led by the women in our community. We welcome more volunteers to join us. Please contact us to be part of this project.

Care Packs

Hygiene care packs are given monthly to males and females in all areas. The pack includes the following items:

Drop Off:

73 Liverpool Road Unit 2C, Benoni

Arrange Pick-Up:

+27 11 421 1538

Distribution of Clothing

Benoni Muslim Charity Organisation (BMCO) distributes new and gently used clothing to families in need, fostering a culture of compassion within the community.

Donate your Abayah and Kurta

Kindly package your pre- loved garment neatly and include a label or tag with sizing.

Drop Off:

73 Liverpool Road Unit 2C, Benoni

Arrange Pick-Up:

+27 11 421 1538

Weekly Distribution

Monthly Distribution

Home Visits

Community Services ( Other )

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